Does he only want me for sex?

Dear Suzie, 

 I recently met this guy in a club and he seemed very keen to meet up, so we met up for a coffee on our first date. He seem quiet and I was doing all the talking. Although I can sense that he wasn’t really into the talking, but he insisted to spend more time together and we ended smooching in the park. At the end of our first date, he has already invited me to his tomorrow for our second date but I said no and insisted that we go bowling instead. Therefore, our second date was spent bowling and he suggested catching a movie thereafter. However, he seemed abit distance and nothing romantic happened, not even holding hands or quick kiss (this confuses me a little as compared to our first date). He also keeps asking me through out the week what i’m doing and if i would like to go to his. I have already explained to him several times that I will go to his eventually when I get to know him better. We had our third date in a week and we talked about it and he said he doesn’t like kissing and cuddling in public, that’s why he keep asking me to go to his place. I like this guy but I’m also worried at the same time because things seems to be gonig too fast and I’m wondering if he is a player and just wanting me for the sex? Please help

 from: confused x

 I have a really bad feeling about this. You met him in a club, which means no-one you know knows him. No-one has seen you with him. No-one can vouch for him or witness what sort of relationship you have. OK – I may be jumping to conclusions and being absolutely out of order but just consider; if you went back to his place and he raped you, drugged you, even murdered you…who would know what really happened?

 Maybe I’m being overly suspicious but think about it. He could simply be wanting to take it a bit too quickly, a but too far. But hey – that’s still rape by another name. Let’s say you go to his place and he forces you. It’s your word against his that it wasn’t consensual. He could spin all sorts of stories about what happened. And it really feels to me as if he’s setting this up, by being romantic at first then withdrawing and spinning is line about not liking to kiss in public. He didn’t seem to have a problem with that at first, did he?

My advice? Too be honest, since I think you feel uneasy about him I’d run a mile. Drop him, fast. If you like him, then introduce him to your friends. I’d strongly suggest you double date  and ask the other guy after what he thought of him. Make sure he knows you’ve told your friends exactly how far you’re willing to go. And hold out against being alone with him in his place until you really know him.

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Help! My periods have stopped!

Dear Suzie,

when u start ur period once then it stops for two months how du u get it back and why doesnt it come

When you first start your periods they are likely to be irregular. It’s common and normal for you to have one and then not have another for a couple of months, or for them to arrive after three, four, five or six weeks. They will probably be all over the place for the first two years.

Of course, periods will stop if you have sex and fall pregnant or if you are dieting too much. But if you’re eating healthily and haven’t risked pregnancy, then it’s simply the natural pattern. You don’t have to do anything to start them again – they will, in good time.

There’s a good book on the subject – Have You Started yet? By Ruth Thompson. Get a copy and have a chat with someone you trust. Is your Mum around to help you? She or another female relative or friend could reassure you.

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I can’t get a job!

Dear Suzie, 

I’m having problems with my parents which is closely linked with my unemployment. I turned 16 in May and so couldn’t apply for a job before then. Sadly applying so late has meant that there isn’t any jobs available. 

 I had an interview for Tesco’s who then said they would call that evening if I had been offered a job. I waited by the phone for hours. But sadly they didn’t call. I found out that 2 people from my school had recieved the jobs but they were people who hadn’t bothered at school so I felt hurt.

 My Dad constantly shouts at me saying that I never do anything round the house. Which is a lie because I clean, cook and do my own washing and ironing. But he’s never around to witness it. He always makes me feel useless and constantly tells me to get a job because I’m lazy. I’m always at the gym though and hardly ever sit around the house like he comments.

 The thing is that I have tried my best to get a job, I applied to places but were rejected. I’m also with 2 agencies but they haven’t had any jobs. The problem is that places wont take 16 year olds because of their lack of experience. But you can’t get experience without a job. 

 My parents don’t give me money because of my age and so I have to go without things because I have no access to money. The thing that annoys me the most is that my 19 year old sister recently got a job that required qualifications and my parents are throwing it in my face making out if she can do it so can I. She’s older than me and it’s her first job so I don’t see why they’re treating me like this when they never made an effort to maker her get a job at 16. Plus she has qualifications because she’s been to college. My Dad just can’t accpet that I can’t do the things she does because I’m only 16. He acts like I’m the lazy one.

 I just don’t know what to do, the more days that go by that I don’t have a job. The more lazy I look.

 I’ve contacted several websites and connexions to ask for advice but they just suggest shops. I’ve asked everywhere in my home town but I can’t afford to travel anywhere else.

 I’m so confused.


Families often get angry places to be in when people feel disappointed and let down. Sometimes, parents get most upset when they fell they’ve let their kids down. You seem to be focussing on the job market but I’ve a simple question; why a job? Why not a apprenticeship, a college course, further training? Why have you been champing at the bit to get out and work since before May when you could see how much better your sister has done in going to college?

It sounds to me as if you’re in a sad and confused situation at the moment. It’s more than possible your parents are most upset because they feel you’re not exactly seeing the bigger picture here. At 16 you have something like 75 years ahead of you, at least 50 of them in full time employment. Doesn’t it make sense to do a little more preparation for this? And when your parents can see you’re making the effort to look for help in a more structured way, you may find them less upset and more supportive.

I’d suggest you go along to your nearest JobCentre. Not only can they help with finding work far more importantly they can help with finding training – training you’re entitled to until you are 19. Train and get some qualifications and you’ll be better placed to find work eventually. If your sister can do it, so can you.

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Can she love two men?

Dear Suzie, 

I read your response on

 I found it very interesting and I would like to ask a  more complicated question.

 Can a 27 yo girl be in love with two people, one 30 and another 27? (I am one of them, I am not going to say who to make it interesting 😉

 Be with both of them during the same period of time.

Tell and show them both that she loves them and sleep with both of them without protection for 4 months?

And still after all this drama she still claims that loves both people. 

However,her first boyfirend LEFT her in late May and then after spending 6 months in 2006 and 6 months in 2007 with the second bf, she went back to the two year first relationship she had from before. And now, after a year of being with the second she is back with the first, that is she is back with the first again.

And now she thinks she made the wrong choice leaving the second guy!

 What this girl should do?

How can you trust a person like this?

Is this a personality issue or very unfortunate situation issue? (We create our own situations, our luck when it comes to matters like this, u said being in  love does not justify bad behavior)

This person hurt both guys a lot.

What is the moral thing to do here from her side and from the guys side?


What is the moral thing to do? I don’t really think I need to say – you know as well as I do. If you want to talk strict moral codes then anyone with integrity, who was upright, virtuous, honourable and honest, would not be in this situation. It’s wrong to be cheating whether you’re the woman with two men or one of the men knowing there’s another man. But just as important it’s hurtful.

I’ve said before that no-one can be called to account for their feelings. It’s more than possible to fall in love or be attracted to more than one person. But morality is more about doing the right thing, about treating other people with the sort of respect and emotional generosity you’d like to be treated yourself, than objective codes. And cheating is nothing of the sort.

And as for playing Russian Roulette with both pregnancy and sexual infections by having unprotected sex with not just one but with two people; well, I’m actually speechless on this one.

When people flit from one relationship to another it’s actually rarely about love or even about being free-spirited – the other common excuse for infidelity. It’s usually about fear. Fear of being left and abandoned, something that might have happened earlier in their life. Fear of trusting and needing, in case the person you come to trust and need then lets you down. Being scared of commitment  is always about needing commitment and fearing that this need makes you dangerously vulnerable. Having more than one relationship keeps commitment at bay but also always gives you a fall-back.

But that’s an explanation, not an excuse. Such behaviour patterns are usually created in pain, and cause more pain. And anyone finding themselves in such a relationship has three choices. Either accept you’re going to be used and abused and settle down for the masochistic ride. Or get out, quick. It’s not your responsibility to either accept it or try to stop it. Or, offer the  person one chance to come to counselling and sort out the problem. One chance; anymore and you’re into choice 1.

Whichever arm of the triangle you inhabit I’d gently suggest you get some support in breaking free from it. It’s not a healthy or happy place to be for any of you. Counselling would help.

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My daughter wants me to give up my partner

Dear Suzie,

I will try to keep this brief!! I have two children, one with Autism who is now in a lovely placement after many years of fighting the authorities (he is 18), my daughter is a young 17. I married in 1988 to a man who turned out to be very mentally abusive, I was crushed by him and so were the children. I eventually escaped the traumatic situation with help of the court, he has still continued to be a very difficult person to deal with over the years, including sacking me from my self employed job in promotion and taking over it himself, including all the money (don’t ask it’s too complicated!!), The courts did nothing to help on this score, he has NEVER paid child maintenance, again CSA did nothing, even after private interview, said they understood and agreed, but didn’t have the resources, basically I have been let down in all legal areas with no support.

I have a partner, who, brought up the children with myself, i.e. care, attention, love and financially (did everything and more that her father should have been doing). We did however find out that there were complications later on involving my daughter and the son of my partner (I am cutting this bit short) this has been dealt with legally!! So, a mess you would say? Yes, it has been all round, and a very painful experience on top of the past issues. My partner and I have been devastated through this. My daughter moved out to her fathers last year, and of course he has used this to attack me and my partner, He is poisoning her mind towards me and my partner even though, it was us who were always there through her tender years (he has been warned about his emotional blackmail before by the authorities, but took no notice).

As a result, any little contact that I receive, usually the odd call, is very strained between us, as she is more or less saying that I need to give up my happy relationship with my partner or else she wants nothing to do with me. I know that deep down she is still fond of my partner(who still loves her), but, she would dare not say this in front of her father as he would never allow this. She has experienced problems at his house, but still will not come home.

I am very hurt through this situation and feel trapped, as I don’t want to let anyone down, but also feel that I should not be backed into a corner like this. I am convinced that if she was not with her father, then she would be able to make up her own mind, it seems that I am in a no win situation, I am very depressed and don’t know what else to do! People have suggested that I should just wait for her to grow up and come to me instead, but at the same time I don’t want to let her down. At the end of the day, my partner and I have never hurt her, but her father has, but she just wonâ t listen. Can you offer some advice please? This is obviously just an outline of the problem.

Thank you.

It sounds like a really distressing situation and I do feel for you. And yes, wouldn’t it be nice if your abusive, destructive ex would put your children first and see now much his behaviour hurts your daughter? But the truth is nothing you can do can change him – only he can see the error of his ways and do something about it. You aren’t responsible for what he does. And, the more you try to tussle with him for your daughter’s loyalty, the worse it may get. Your responsibility is for yourself and your own actions, and only for those.

So, my advice is to look to yourself. You have, all the way through this sorry saga, done the right thing. You’ve been there for your daughter but allowed her to have contact with her father – who, although he may have been a pretty sorry excuse for a partner is her Dad and she deserves and needs contact with him. Continue to stand up for her right to be with him, while also standing up for your own right to manage your life as you see best. She may well be standing by him because she knows how wrong and destructive he is – kids often do that!

Tell her you love her and will always love her and will always be there for her. Tell her the door is always open for her. Tell her you know she loves her Dad and so she should. Tell her it’s up to her where she lives and that she is welcome to spend time with both her Dad and you. And tell her that your partner is your partner and remains your partner. If she wants to take a break from you while she comes to terms with that, that’s her choice and you’ll be here for her when she returns. But you have no intention of giving up on him and your happiness just because she’s struggling to come to terms with the divided opinions of you and her Dad.

Remain calm, loving and accepting of her but also able to respect and stand by your own feelings and needs and sooner or later she will come round.

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He’s been off with me

Dear Suzie,

ive been with my boyfriend for over a month now im onlii 13 but thats not the point. but lately hes been off with me and i asked him about it and he said that every things fine. well today was hes last day at school and normally id be missing him like mad already but i aint i dont no if it is goin to last between us but i really like him but does he like me ???

from frustrated x

Your being 13 is the point, actually. Not to diss you at all but relationships at your age are important and intense and wonderful…and short term.

You’re not missing him because it was great while it lasted but it wasn’t meant to last very long. A month is fine – great fun. But when someone starts being off with you, what’s the point of flogging a dead horse?

People can have up days and down days and if yours is a long-term relationship in which you’ve invested time and effort then of course you try to sort out problems and help each other get over the bad times. But when someone hasn’t the manners to treat you with respect from the word go then you’re much better off cutting your losses and moving on.

If you want to have a happy life with happy relationships I’d take a few things to heart;

One is treat other people as you’d like to be treated – with kindness, honesty and respect.

Two is expect other people to treat you the same, and don’t accept second best.

Three is trust your instincts. if it doesn’t feel good, it isn’t good. Don’t persist.

Four is don’t be a doormat; if anyone uses or abuses you, turn your back and walk away.

Have a good summer!

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Should I pay for him?

Dear Suzie, 

After 13 years of being on my own following the breakup of a 12 year marriage, I have just met a wonderful man and am very happy.  My problem is that due to circumstances he has absolutely no savings behind him, although he does have a job.  Not only do I have a job but I also have substantial savings behind me which he is unaware of.  How and when should it ever come out that I have this money?  If I tell him he might feel awkward and uncomfortable in case his attentions come across as just wanting me for my money, and it might raise doubts in my own mind as to his motives thereafter, which would be a shame as we currently get on so well and are very close.  But if I don’t tell him and we stay together he will find out eventually and might be very hurt that I didn’t trust him enough to tell him.  He moved in to live with me and my adult children last week and this makes the situation increasingly awkward for me as we are closer now than before he moved in and I feel like I’m being dishonest with him.  

 The other thing is that he is £3,000 in debt which he’s coping with quite happily but it makes me feel guilty because I could easily clear this debt for him but that would mean I would have to ‘come clean’!  Also he’s been talking about both of us putting aside £50 per month each into a savings account so that we can built up holiday money. How betrayed will he feel when he finds out that I don’t need to put this money aside and yet I went along with it?

 HELP!!  What on earth do I do?  I would be very grateful for any advice you can give me.


If you were in your 20s and this was a first serious relationship I don’t think you’d have the same doubts. If you had some money put away, you wouldn’t feel the need to ‘come clean’ about it just as you wouldn’t feel the need to quiz your partner about their financial position. Anyone might have something put away, or not as the case may be. You’d expect your respective situations to emerge naturally, as his has because he’s told you he has debt which he’s making shrift to manage. 
The reason it looms large in your mind is that you’ve had years of being in a settled relationship where you both had shared accounts and knew what was each others state. Now you’re back in the single but dating state, you’re assuming the amount you know about each other should be the same, and it needn’t. Yet.

I agree that keeping secrets is inimical to a good relationship. But you shouldn’t expect to give an audit to this man, nor he to you. That doesn’t mean it isn’t an excellent idea to open a shared account for shared activities, especially a holiday fund. Where’s the betrayal in knowing you could pay for it with the wave of a check card? The essence is that this is joint – to be paid by both of you equally. It’s a rather exciting idea to have a specific, ring-fenced fund you can both point to and know is going to finance your next break.  He’s more likely to feel humiliated if you thought it was appropriate to pay for him, and that goes for him settling his own debts too.

 If you’re divorced with adult children and in your own house I would imagine he’d have assumed you have money in the bank. It sounds as if he’s doing his very best to hold up his own end and not to be seen or thought to be using you. I’d respect and encourage this.  

 In all the relationships I’ve observed, my own included, in which money has never been a problem or an issue partners who earned their own money made a proportionate contribution to a household. Whoever earned more paid more. And if there were children from a previous relationship, this was reflected in the proportionate costs.

Either each put an amount into a shared account which paid for all household and joint expenses. Or they divided up the expenses – fuel bills, food bills, council tax etc – and made the division reflect the amount each should pay. Or they split everything down the middle but the higher earner then paid for holidays or other expenses. You can decide between you which way you should play it but I don’t think he would expect you to pay for him nor should you feel you should.

Enjoy your new relationship – and enjoy that holiday when it comes!

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Is it thrush?

Dear Suzie, for about a week I’ve been having a thick white, almost solid, foul smelling discharge from my vagina and it’s really sore all the time. I wash regularly and have had a recent (2 weeks ago) STI screening which came back normal (both my partner and I had one before I went on the pill and both were clear). I have had unprotected sex with him since our results, but don’t think it would be an STI as we were both clear. I am, however on antibiotics for a throat infection. Is this thrush? If so should I go to the doctors or are OTC remedies enough?

It may well be thrush – it certainly sounds like it. Antibiotics are very prone to trigger thrush and for that reason many sensible doctors always tell you to take probiotics in the shape of live yoghurt or probiotic drinks when you take them. Pity yours didn’t but start today.

While OTC remedies are fine when you’re sure that’s what it is, it definitely would be sensible to have this checked out, just in case it is something else or if it’s been triggered by another condition. Make an appointment today, and ask for an immediate one – tell the receptionist you’re in pain and distress. And get your boyfriend to have treatment too, otherwise you will ping-pong the infection back and forth between you. He can carry it and pass it to you even if he doesn’t have symptoms. Hope it gets better soon!

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I can’t get back to my studies!

Dear Suzie,

 This may sound a little trivial compared to some other letters, but I’m halfway through my summer break from universtiy and I’m finding it difficult to motivate myself to get back into academic work. I know I need to do some soon, but it always looks as if I can put it off further, and it never seems appealing. I can force myself to do it, but I don’t feel all too enthusiastic about it, and I was wondering if you could give me advice on motivating myself to get back into it. 

 This might sound silly, but I was thinking of a sort of ‘work diary’, where for a few weeks I could record the sorts of doubts and objections I posed myself to better get a grip on how to combat this negativity- what do you think?



Nothing that is a worry is trivial. As for your diary suggestion – Good idea! It’s an excellent  strategy, to chart your excuses and protests, your doubts and misgivings. When you put them on paper it’s easier to understand and tackle them. One thing I will tell you – and you’re hearing here from someone who is an inveterate deadline cruncher, well practiced in the art of procrastination; once you start working, you tend to regain your enthusiasm.  It’s often easier, too. Avoidance and denial are actually far harder work that actually getting stuck in to the job at hand.

 Having a break from work is often useful. It is refreshing and healing. But too long off is like neglecting to go to the gym; your intellectual muscles get atrophied, you forget the good habits of study and it hurts when you get down to it. Keep going and you’ll soon get back in your  stride. And anything that works for you and does it is far from silly. Good luck!

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Office tease

Dear Suzie, 

 I’m not a little boy, but you know – I still can’t read body language or between the lines of what women say or send.

 Ok, well here goes.

 I work with this girl who is 22 years old; she and I are both part timers, but she returns to school at the end of August, while I will be continuing with this company on a 6 month contract.

 She is my senior by about 2 or 3 weeks, which in the big picture means little; nevertheless, she has a bit more knowledge than I do.

 When we work she lets me sit at the computer terminal and she ‘scrunches’ (is scrunches a word??) down in a little side chair and puts herself into this very submissive position.   When she leans forward, to give advice (whether needed or not) she stays low and bent down, in a very submissive position.

 While this may sound rude, she always leaves a button or 2 undone when we work together and she does afford me a view down her front. No she does not go braless.

 When we process this work, we then must file away the items into inventory.   Now this is not nuclear physics, but she insists to walk with me when we put things away and she always makes a clear point of touching hands when we put things into their bins.

 I’m sorry if this is kindergarten stuff…but it’s puzzling.

To continue, she makes a point of reaching forward and letting me see the outline of her cute bottom… and when I leave to occasionally take care of other things, I return to find her PACING the floor with her hands on her hips…her shirt appears to be intentionally drawn tight so I can see her curves.

 I have massaged her shoulders, which she did not complain about, but after a short period of time, she did say that was enough or something like this.

 She tells me that she is working out to loose weight, but believe me, she’s not a pound overweight; when she tells me this, I grab her calf and tell her that she’s not fat.

 When my vehicle was stolen the other day, she comes n the next day and tells me that we are much the same, as some kids broke into her vehicle the next night.

 I am stupid aren’t I??

 She tells me that she sleeps nude and that the doors to her home are never locked.

 Ok, now here’s the part that confuses me to no end; she is moving into an apartment for school with her boyfriend.   She continually throws this boyfriend into my face…not in a rude way, but always mentions him – constantly.

 She tells me that she wants me to always work with her and when I am scheduled to leave early, she laughs and jokes, asking if I want to work overtime with her.

Woudl you please tell me what she is doing?

 Is she just a tease?

Does she want me to be aggressive and grab her bum and kiss her…what does she want, if anything beyond attention?

 Can you read her? I can’t.


I’m not sure I can answer because what you tell me is filtered through your understanding and not that of an objective viewer. If what you say is true, she is sending out very conflicted and confused signals, giving you a come on while warning you to stay away. It could be that she is attracted to you but is committed to and attracted to her boyfriend. She may be confused by her attraction to you – lots of people believe once they fall in love with one person they won’t notice other people, which is ridiculous. If that’s her belief, she may be testing herself by flirting with you.

 But equally, it is more than possible that you are misreading her behaviour. She may simply be leaning forward. She may simply be being friendly with a fellow co-worker.  

 Whichever, let me tell you one thing and if you listen to one thing only I say, let it be this.  If you acted in an aggressive way, grabbing her bum or kissing her, you would be committing an assault. And even if she was flirting with you or giving you a come on, she would not welcome that under any circumstances. It would be viewed as sexual harassment and probably get you sacked. Don’t do it.  

Yes, she may be teasing. Or you may be misreading the signs. Either way, back off.  My advice would be to be honest. Tell her you are attracted to her and are confused as to whether she likes you in the same way or simply as a friend. If she says she simply wants to be friends, then ignore her behaviour from now on. If she is playing games with you, you’ll only get in trouble if you respond. It’s only a month – grit your teeth till then!

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