My best friend never has time for me

Dear Suzie,My best friend just got a boyfriend and now she never has time to hang out with me anymore, we are definatly growing apart. So I tried makeing plans in advance with her to hang out so I could be sure we would be able to, but I called her the night we had made plans to hang out and she said she couldn’t because she was going to the movies with her boyfriend. When I said something to her about it she told me that boyfriends come before friends. I’ve tried everything and I don’t know what to do.


There’s nothing you can do if she won’t see sense. Here’s a truth we all need to know; boyfriends come and boyfriends go but friends can be for life. That your best friend hasn’t realised this is her lookout. Maybe you’ll be a better friend to her than she is being to you when she and this boy finish or have problems and she comes back expecting you to pick up where she left off. Maybe by then you’ll have moved on and found a new best friend and decided she only gets one chance.  


Whatever, take a lesson from this. Yes, boyfriends are important. Yes, you’ll want to spend time with one. But only a husband or permanent relationship is more important than your friends. And if you’ve any sense at all, even when The One does come along, you’ll still make time for friends – we all need a support network. But you can’t make her see that if she doesn’t want to. Sadly, she may have to learn the hard way that the last people you should muck about are your mates.

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He won’t get in touch

Dear Suzie, 

I moved to a new city 5 months ago and I joined an online dating site as a means of going out more/ meeting a potential boyfriend. One of the guys contacted me and from the beginning he was very complimentary. Suddenly, after 2 e-mails he stopped all communication. I assumed that he had been on dates with someone that he really liked, so I didn’t contact him. 4 weeks later, I noticed that he was still on the site. I e-mailed him and he hgave me his telephone number. He said he had been tired of dates, but he didn’t have the confidence to get back in touch with me. He then asked me out, and we had an amazing first date. He asked me out again the following day, and we had a wonderful second date. The following day, I texted him at work, and he texted me to say that he would call me later. He has not called me since, and is still on the website. Usually, if a guy does not call me, I would forget about it, but in this case I feel that he genuinely liked me, and had even spoken of places that he wanted to take me to spend time together. I have tried to contact him, but to no avail. My feeling is that he would like to be in a relationship, but does not want to be hurt again. I am willing to take things slowly and I am not seeing other guys because I really feel that he is a wonderful person. Where do I go from here?


It’s often tough being a guy and expected to do all the first moves. I can see how this can become daunting. You helped him out by being proactive. But after seeing how nice and pleasant you were, he said he’d call and he hasn’t and that makes me wonder if it’s time to draw a line under this. I suspect this is nothing to do with you – it’s not because of anything you did or didn’t do on those dates or since. Maybe something is going on in his life that is making it hard for him to see you, or he simply didn’t see those dates in the same way as you did.


Whatever, he knows you’re there. He has your number. He can call if he wants to and he knows if he does you’ll be pleasant. If I were you, I’d see some other guys and I wouldn’t count on him or save myself for him or even expect him to get in touch again.

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I can’t seem to talk to him.

Dear Suzie, 


I have recently met somebody who i feel likes me back,i only see him once a month but he always makes the effort to speak to me but i cant seem to say anything back?it’s because i dont know whether he is stringing me along. my best friends likes his older friend to,they are the same accept he never makes the effort with her. both me and my friend are confused,what should we do?


When you’re shy and inexperienced it often is hard to manage the “getting to know you” phases of a new relationship. You like them and hope they like you. You want them to know how you feel, and need to know how they feel about you. Trouble is, it’s easy to fall into “playing it cool” games.


You say you can’t seem to talk to him because you don’t know whether he’s stringing you along. But why assume that? He’s making the effort to talk because he likes you – is that so hard to believe? Sounds to me as if both you and his friend find it hard to overcome your own feelings of shyness and lack of confidence. And I’m afraid there’s only one remedy for that – plenty of practise.  


You need to make the effort to talk, to communicate, to interact. It’s easy, really; stop obsessing about yourself and start thinking about him. What does he like to do, to watch, to play, to listen to? Don’t know? Then find out. He talks to you so follow his lead and talk to him. Good luck!

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How do we act to these boys?

Dear Suzie,

we are both 14 and attended a concert for a club. we recently joined the singing club because one of my friends really liked a 16 year old boy that went. when we went another friend started to fall for his 14 year old best friend. Everything was going ok until they decided to leave the club. but since then, our friend found their myspaces by chance, and we added them on msn. We have been seeing them numerous amounts of times and there has been quite a few outrageously obvious signs it was meant to be. We have not really spoken, but there has been qiute a few looks and we feel as they are stringing us along. My second friend ignores the boy she likes but it is obvious he likes her. we performed in our club on Sunday and they came to watch and my first friend’s sister said the 16 year old she fancies was really happy when she was doing her solo. what do we do and how do we act on the events that have happened? please help we cant stop thinking about it and them and we can’t stop thinking about the situation. our friends say that they are interested but they dont seem to act on it or like they are interested. please help we are sooooooo confused.

Oh my, the problems that arise when you ‘play it cool’. Ok – I’m all for being a bit careful and not totally wearing your heart on your sleeve or carrying a big sign saying “Hey! I fancy you, me!!!” But can’t you see how difficult life becomes when you wallow around in a mishmash of hints and guesses?

From my experience, people look at you and enjoy being with you when they like you. If you repay that with clever-clever “I’m going to ignore you” games, the person is likely to feel offended and rejected and go off you.

Lesson #1 – probably the most important lesson you can learn in life – is that no-one can read your mind. No-one. No matter what. If you like them and don’t say so, how do you expect them to know it? Of course, they may pick up the hint from your body language – that is, looking at them and smiling and leaning towards them. But teenagers – especially teenage boys – are inexperienced at reading body language. And they have the “gotta be cool” message so even though they fancy you they may be too shy or too scared of being ignored or laughed at to do anything about that.

So how do you act? You act friendly. You need to smile, go up to them and say “Nice to see you here! Shall we have a drink together? Wanna dance? And if they don’t respond, too bad. There’s plenty more fish in the sea…

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Will I be able to become pregnant?

Dear Suzie, 

           Me & My boyfriend [Of 4 years] have decided to start trying for a child in July. I will come off the pill and we will just have sex as usual and hope to become pregnant. 


I am worrying that when we are trying to get pregnant I won’t be able to get pregnant [I worry alot!].


My tutor who is infertille said that he ‘always had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to concieve children’ can my worrying mean the same as this. I’ve always worried that I might not be able to have children because I want a child so much, I have ever since I was young.


It’s just I don’t want to start trying and then be disappointed :(.


I’d say that just about every single mother and father to be worries to some extent whether they will be able to conceive. It’s the same with flying – every single person who flies has some thoughts about crashing. That’s why every there is an accident survivors swear they had premonitions – or when someone misses a flight and it crashes they swear they knew! No they don’t; it’s just that you’re wise or prescient after the event! For every person who is sadly infertile and “always knew” there are hundreds, nay thousands who “knew” they wouldn’t be able to have a baby and forgot that when baby came along. So no, just because you’re worrying doesn’t mean you’ll have a problem.


What this does mean is that because you want it so bad you will find it hard to be patient and let nature take its course. Here’s an interesting fact. It can take a normally fertile couple having regular unprotected sex up to 18 months to conceive. A year and a half and there’s nothing wrong. Nothing. Really.


If you want to maximise your chances, try these tips.


  • Both of you MUST give up smoking. Must – no excuses. It’s an important reason for difficulties in conceiving and of course your smoking as a Dad or Mum is really dangerous for your baby when he or she arrives. So stop now.
  • Improve your diet – lots of fresh fruit and veg and salad, less red meat, a correct balance of protein and carbs, less sugar and salt. Pop into  your doctor’s surgery for advice on healthy eating.  Remember, being overweight or underweight can contribute to difficulties in conceiving. NO JUNK FOOD!!!
  • Watch your drinking – make sure both of you are only having a moderate amount and remember you want to stop entirely when you are pregnant.
  • Do some regular exercise – go walking, running, cycling, join a gym.
  • See your doctor to check immunisations and any medication you or your boyfriend may be on. If you don’t get on with your GP, now’s the time to find one you like.
  • If you’re stressed or unhappy, ask for help now. Stress can add to difficulties in conceiving.


It’s often advised to finish a packet and then use protection such as condoms for a month until you have another period before abandoning contraception altogether. This isn’t because the hormones in the pill linger – they don’t. It’s so you can be absolutely sure of the date of your last period so when you do fall pregnant your doctor will know the dates accurately.


Then…don’t try! I know that sounds odd, but go off the pill and just relax. Have sex when you want, s you want and think of it as showing your love, not as baby making. Trying frantically to start a pregnancy only contribute to stress, and that can be a problem. If – IF – after 18 months (or a year if you’re over 30) nothing has happened, see your GP. But give it that time before you worry as it’s perfectly normal for pregnancy to take its time to begin. Good luck!

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How can i help my 17 year old, angry and on drugs?

Dear Suzie, 

I have a wonderful son, he is 17 years old. He is very angry with me right now. He has been using drugs since he was 14, hard drugs like cocaine and speed. I have sent him to residential treatment for 3 months a year ago. Now that he is 17, well I can’t send him because here in Canada, once they turn 16 they can only admit themselves. We have been riding the drug roller coaster since. In December, he started using again, and when high he is violent. I have a 12 years old daughter as well so we were living in fear. (stems from being raised by a mean alcoholic father).

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Why don’t my friends help me?

Dear Suzie, 


I’m 22 years old and I have many people around me but I feel all my friends are extremley unsupportive and so self absorpsed and selfish that I can’t cope.

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He’s cute and he’s buff and i’m in year 9

Dear Suzie, hi this really cute boy asked me out and i said yes so i really like him and he really likes me but the problem is that i sound to sexy for him. Continue reading

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he’s buff and 15 – should we have sex?

Dear Suzie, i am 13 and met a really buff boy when i was at the park. i got 2 know him more and he knows were i live. i gave him my number. he asked me out and then to have sex with him.

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I need to shave every day!

Dear Suzie, im desperate for help on what to do about facial hair on women . i have mostash hairs plus on my chin and now ive spotted them starting on my jaw Continue reading

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