Category Archives: Teens

What’s a bj?

i don’t know what he’s talking about but he asks me every time we meet and i don’t know what to say. i don’t want to lose him but i think this is ruining our relationship. Continue reading

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My stepdad swears and shouts at me

He get right up to your face and call you a bitch or whatever. And he does it loads to my younger bro (11) and i step in to protect him and then he shouts at me and i ruin everyones day. i have tole my step dad i dont like him telling us were arses and stuff and he just said ‘write me a rule book then’. Continue reading

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What are the advantages of being flat chested?

Most boys in my year like girls who have a big cleavage. What can i do? Continue reading

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How do i get him to like me?

i really really like this boy, and he says that he aint interested because im too young. im 14 and hes 16. Continue reading

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I think I have the worst life ever!

I am currently suffering from OCD, Depression and Anxiety. I am gay but currently in the closet. I may and probably have Marfan Syndrome. Do I have the worst life ever? I seriously don’t know what to do with my life. Continue reading

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My mum is cheating on my dad

This has been going on for months now, I can believe she is such a selfish bitch. I hate her so much! Continue reading

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My friend bullies me

This bully is driving me crazy. At times she’s lovely and acts like a really great friend, but then it switches and she makes remarks and disaproving faces when she doesnt agree. If i do anything, she has a go at me and interrogates me, making me feel under pressure. Continue reading

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I want to lose weight, get healthier, have my moles removed, motivate myself into doing my school work better, boost my confidence & gain my self esteem & self respect back. Can you help?
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I sweat!

i have a sweate problem and im only 14 Continue reading

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I can’t be there for my gay son

i have suffered from cancer for 6 years and have last year been told that it has spread. Three months before this my son told me he is gay. The double blow has left me unable to handle his situation Continue reading

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